We are officially 10 days into 2022! Can you believe it? I still feel like it is just the beginning of 2021. Did you make any New Years Resolutions, I am not a huge fan of “New Years” resolutions…now that doesn’t mean I don’t like resolutions I just don’t think they need to happen at any specific time of the year! Let’s make January 11th resolutions a thing!
So let’s chat resolutions that revolve around fitness (which obviously I am always extremely support of). Resolutions revolving around fitness or diet are the most common resolutions made in the United States but I need you to remember a few things when making and sticking to your resolutions.
1. Your workout is literally a fraction of your day, do not allow it to take up more mental space than necessary! Make an appointment with your self (or personal trainer) and get it done!
2. You are more than your resolution! Even if you had an off day you are still succeeding in so many other things! Celebrate your successes even if they are not resolutions. You folded the laundry today, awesome! You kept the tiny humans alive today, even more awesome!!
3. Focus on consistency rather than perfection. Being perfect is overrated! Resolutions do not have to be all or nothing! Making small changes and progress is worth celebrating!
4. Give your self grace! You might see someone on social media doing “all the things” and that’s amazing for them. But resolutions are about you! So don’t judge yourself off of other people. Resolutions are meant to make us better, not make us compete with our neighbor.
As always let us know if there is anyway we can help you with your New Years Resolutions.