Today a long term client and I were training virtually while she was on vacation in Los Angeles. Her husband came into the camera view to allow his wife to say hello to his family during a birthday Zoom session. After he walked away I asked her if these birthday Zoom sessions were normal before the pandemic and she quickly said no. We then began discussing the positives that have come out of COVID. Trust me, I would happily have skipped the pandemic but at this point acknowledging some of the positives is kind of nice! Look below to see a few of the positives in our minds.
Virtual Training: Whether virtual training is more convenient, you are traveling, or you are required to be at home for some other reason Virtual Training has now been proven to work!
Virtual Hangouts: Before the pandemic I would very rarely virtually “hangout” with many friends and family members that live across the country. But with the pandemic virtual hangouts have almost become normal! There are so many great apps to make hanging out so much fun!
CurbSide Pick Up: I am hoping curbside pick up stays after COVID! I have become so much more efficient especially with grocery shopping and meal planning.
Can you think of any positives that have come out of the pandemic? If you can let us know!
I also appreciate being able to virtually train clients with amazing back drops like this!