Winter Blues-Gratitude Journal

Yikes, the winter blues have hit hard this week! I know it’s a combination of the pandemic and this gloomy weather but man I am over it! Do you have any tips or tricks that help you get out of the “funk”? My typical go to is writing in a gratitude journal, I try to write 3 things I am grateful for that happened during each day. They can be as simple as getting in a good workout, the fact that my husband changed the laundry over, or I had time to chat with a girlfriend. Typically once I step back and look at my day I realize it is not near as bad as it seemed in the moment!

This is once again one of those “do as I say, not as I do” moments; obviously it would make more sense if I practiced writing in my gratitude journal all the time, not just when I am having a rough day, or week, or month! Do you have any “go-to’s” that help you get through the winter blues? Mental health is just as important as physical health, if there is ever anything your Live Fit personal trainer can do to help you mentally please let us know! We are always here to help!