Utilizing Yoga as a Stress reliever

I mentioned this last week, but for some reason the last few months I have found my self extremely overwhelmed! I am working on ways to manage my stress and something that has worked for me is practicing yoga. I want to share my experience with adding yoga into my routine to hopefully encourage each of you to spend some time each week on yourself! This could be done many different ways; yoga, a long walk, spending time reading a book or many other options but please try to spend an hour each week on yourself!

I will get off my soap box and back to yoga. For those of you who know me practicing yoga each week probably comes as a surprise! No one would ever use the world “calm” to describe my personality and that is why I think adding yoga into my workout routine has allowed me to relax a bit.

In the past I would justify skipping a yoga session because I didn’t have the time but I have come to realize if I spend that hour each week on myself I am able to accomplish so much more!

Yoga helps my body feel better so I am able to work harder in my other workouts. Yoga allows my mind time to rest so I am less forgetful and therefore a better employee. And last but not least yoga allows me to relax so I am a better wife and friend (in other words I am less crabby!)

If you are interested in trying a private yoga session to relax, feel better, or let’s be real get a kick butt workout please reach out today!