Real talk…I am struggling to get my strength workouts in each week. Having a 1 year old at home and daycare only three days a week makes getting everything done seem next to impossible! I know I am not the only person that feels this way (whether you have kids, a demanding job, or something else!) so I started brain storming ways to get more strength workouts into my routine.
I am extremely lucky to be able to workout during my work day a couple times a week, and thankfully the baby likes the stroller so I am able to get my steady state cardio in most days so I figured why not try to add 10 minutes of strength to each day for a little extra. This workout doesn’t have to be anything crazy, I use whatever equipment I can get my hands on at the time…I set the timer for ten minutes and I perform as many exercises as I can for that ten minutes. No breaks just work! I am 2 weeks into doing this and it is working! I am able to stick with it each day because it is only 10 minutes! I have split the days up into different body parts so this week has looked like the following:
Monday - Lower Body
Tuesday- Abs
Wednesday- Upper Body
Thursday- Cardio
Friday- Combo Moves
Are you struggling to find time to exercise? Or maybe you need to add a little extra workout to your day? Try this 10 minute idea and let us know how you feel!