Holiday Health and Wellness Goals

Halloween is just two short weeks away and that means Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner! With the holidays coming so quickly I thought we could take some time to set a few health and wellness goals for the rest of the year.

Personally I find if I set attainable and short term goals throughout the year I am more likely to stick to it! So rather then saying I want to run a marathon in 2023 I will say I want to run 50 miles in all of January, then in February I want to run a 5k each week, March I want to run 5 out of 7 days of the week…and so on! That way I can adjust my goals without feeling as if I had failed.

So for the holiday season my health goals are as follows:

  • Prioritize movement each day, this can be a traditional workout, a game of flag football with the family, or a walk with the dog! Just make sure to get my body moving.

  • Prioritize fruits and vegetables, holiday food is amazing and I have no intention of restricting what I can eat (aka any sour candy my son gets during trick or treating) but I want to ensure my body is being filled with nutritious options as well as the 3 homemade roll and pumpkin pie!

  • Prioritize my time, I tend to over commit during the holidays, usually with fun activities but then the fun activities become a chore because we are bouncing between so many different places. This year I want to be intentional about our activities and make sure they are serving my family.

What are your short term goals for the Holiday Season? Can Live Fit help you meet any of those goals? If we can please contact us today! We can’t wait to get started.