The Benefits of Weight Training as We Age

At Live Fit KC, we're all about staying strong and vibrant as we age. That's why we're big believers in the awesome benefits of weight lifting. Let’s chat about why it is so important to continue (or start) lifting weights as we get older.

1. Lifting weights keep our bones and muscles strong and helps us move better, so we are less likely to get hurt.

2. Lifting weights keep our weight in check by revving up our metabolism and building muscle, so we can rock that healthy lifestyle!

3. Lifting weights lifts your mood, lowers stress, and keeps your brain sharp and on point. Who wouldn't want that?

At Live Fit KC, our certified personal trainers are here to help you lift right and stay strong. We will create customized strength workouts that include mobility work, strength training, and cardio to ensure you can chase your grandchildren or ski down the mountain at whatever age you desire! Come join us let’s age gracefully together.