Getting Back into a Routine Post Vacation

Hi friends! So you've just had an amazing vacation and now it's time to get back on track with your workouts. Ugh, trust me, I know it can be tough, but I thought we could chat about some tips to make the transition easier:

1. Take It Easy: Start with a light workout and slowly build up to your previous intensity.

2. Set Realistic Goals: Set achievable goals; we’re not going ti come home from a week long vacation and run a marathon!

3. Plan Ahead: Returning to life after vacation is hard, so schedule your workouts to make sure you find the time.

4. Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Let’s be real our vacation diet was probably not normal! Make sure to drink plenty of water and focus on nutritious meals to get your body back on track.

In a nutshell, take it step by step, be kind to yourself, and enjoy the journey of getting back into your workout routine after an awesome vacation! If you need any additional assistance the personal trainers at Live Fit are always here to help!!