Live Fit KC

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How to Stay Hydrated this Summer

Well, I think we can all agree that the heat of the summer has started in Overland Park! This means staying hydrated is even more important and unfortunately more difficult. Water is important in the proper functioning of our bodies; water helps with digestion, absorption of nutrients, temperature regulation, and waste removal. If your body becomes dehydrated unfortunately these basic bodily functions are more difficult to complete which can make you feel tired and sluggish.

Now, we know we need to stay hydrated this summer so how much water should you drink? That depends on different factors including age, activity level and health conditions! But a general rule of thumb I like to follow is half your body weight in ounces plus 8 ounces for every hour of strenuous activity which could include gardening, working out, or playing at the pool. This computes to a 150lb person would needing about 75oz of water each day plus 8 ounces for any activity.

I find it easier to stay hydrated if I keep a filled water bottle close to me at all times! I know how many times I need to refill it each day and plan accordingly. If you need any additional help staying hydrated please let your personal trainer at Live Fit know!